Dear Scotland: contemporary views on how and why the Union harms Scotland

Flash Cards

How to restore our independence

First - STOP THINKING THAT WE HAVE TO ASK  Then – stop asking Where does it say that we need to ask Westminster’s permission?  Where does it say that we can't simply leave the Union (the UK) anytime we want?  Where are these rules?  You won’t find...

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How to restore our independence

First - educate yourself on Scotland’s status in the UK   Then – stop thinking that we have to ask permission Scotland and England entered a political union in 1707.  The union was forged, and is still governed, by an international treaty, the Treaty of...

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How to restore our independence

First - stop wishing for another independence referendum   Because we'll never get another one But mainly because we really, really, don't need one Scotland's people are sovereign.  That means that we're in charge - there is no higher authority, and that includes the...

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