How to restore our independence

We need to pick a fight It’s all very well to say Take Our Independence! but how will it work? We can’t just chant our way to independence. At some point, some people are going to have to do some thing. At some point, we’re going to have to pick a...

How to become a normal country again

To become a ‘normal’ country – you know, where we have control of over our own affairs like the economy, defence (join Nato or not), treaties and associations (join the EU or Efta), energy, borders, relationships with other countries and the UN, these kind of...

Welcome to the colony of Scotland

Colony? How? How could Scotland possibly be a colony? We tend think of colonies as ex-countries of the British Empire, like the USA, India, Bermuda, Hong Kong etc. How could Scotland be lumped in as one of them? It was part of the British Empire itself for goodness...

What the UK thinks about us

When you look at how the British State has treated Scotland and our people since the union began in 1707, it’s a wonder that the union – the UK – is still intact. We are subjected to abuse, sneering laughter, patronising comments and, worst of all,...

The Declaration of Arbroath

The Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 didn’t mark the end of the wars with the English. Although Scotland had won the battle and had kicked out the English army and its king, Edward II, from Scotland, that wasn’t the end of things. Far from it. Edward was...