Jan 30, 2024
The oleaginous Michael Gove was caught with his pants down at the Covid Enquiry in Edinburgh. After charging the Scottish Government with political opportunism, KC Jamie Dawson brandished Gove’s Cabinet paper, delivered just before Johnson parachuted into...
Jan 25, 2024
Since the 1707 Treaty of Union, Scotland’s wealth has been stolen and exploited by our larger “partner” in an ongoing act of colonisation. The definition of colonialism is economic exploitation by a dominant power that exercises political control over its colony. This...
Jan 13, 2024
The new Scottish Labour MP Michael Shanks will speak at the Scotland in Union Burns supper later this month. Quelle surprise. During the by-election campaign Shanks said the constitutional debate was something ‘we have to completely...
Oct 30, 2023
Labour MP Ian Murray says the first duty of government is to keep its citizens safe. But he doesn’t say how a Starmer Labour government can conceivably do so when it is studiously copying its policies from a Tory playbook which has delivered the discredited,...
Oct 10, 2023
It’s said that the US Congress is the best that money can buy. Corporate cash and the revolving door between it and Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, and the military industrial complex has destroyed democratic accountability. Where America goes, so goes its...